I am proud to announce that I will be speaking at the CIPR’s “Share This Live” Social Media Conference 2013.  Last year I wrote a quick blog post on Share This, a book that I recommend all PR professionals should try and read in order to stay up to speed with developments in the industry. The book contained practical advice from 20 experienced practitioners on how to move into digital PR from a number of different perspectives.  After, I had written the article I was then contacted by a friend of mine, Stephen Waddington the editor and one of the contributors to Share This, who asked me if I wanted to contribute to the next edition of the handbook Share This Too.

I was delighted to be invited, as it was a great opportunity, because Share This Too features more than 30 writers all of whom I have the Share This Liveupmost respect for and I am already online friends with most. The new book which comes out soon will provide some more invaluable advice and tips for practitioners in the Digital PR industry building on the themes within the first book. Unlike the hundreds of other social media handbooks that just offer statistics on how the industry has increasingly grown within the past few years, Share This and Share This Too are different. In the book I have covered online crisis management bringing my thoughts and experiences on to how to deal with it when things go wrong.

Following the writing of the book many of us were also asked if we would be willing to share our thoughts at the Share This Live Social Media Conference.

This is an amazing opportunity as the conference is led by an expert panel of speakers from the industry from brands such as The Guardian, Microsoft and Adobe as well as speakers from some of the world’s leading social and digital agencies. Most notably, there will be a keynote address from Tom Standage, Digital Editor of The Economist.  The conference is being held in the offices of MSN UK in London on the Thursday 11 July.  If you are going to be making your way there, please feel free to leave a comment here or drop me a DM on Twitter as it would be great to meet you.

I would also say a special congratulations to Wadds as he has also recently been voted to be the President of the CIPR in 2014.
