I was reading a post this morning from Matthew Watson who has pulled together an interesting list of the top UK PR blogs from the Ad Age 150 which considers advertising, marketing and PR blogs from all around the world.

Unfortunately, there are still no medals for me yet as I am down in a lowly 13th place. So it means I will have to keep on pushing hard and finally try and get some decent content up on here.

My colleagues Stuart Bruce and Sam Oakley both beat me to 2nd and 11th place respectively but I am determined to catch them up somehow although I haven’t quite figured out how to do that just yet.

The top UK blogs are as follows:
1. PR Blogger
2. A PR Guy’s Musings
3. Drew B’s take on tech PR
4. Wadds’ tech pr blog
5. Brendan Cooper, Your friendly PR Social Media Planner
6. Beyond PR
7. Simonsays.
8. This is herd
9. Pudding Relations
10. Shiny Red
11. All Things PR
12. PR Voice
13. Norton’s Notes
14. From PR to Eternity
15. 10 Yetis PR Blog
