I read some interesting statistics from a study this morning that has backed up what lots of us working in the social media and online PR world already believed. If you publish regular good quality content on a blogging platform you will get more traffic to your website. In fact, HubSpot is reporting that the study found that businesses which use blogs increase their site traffic by more than half (55%) when compared to to sites which don’t.

It found that sites which blogged received:

I meet a lot of brands, business owners and entrepreneurs who like the idea of social media but get switched off by the actual term BLOG. A blog is a simple tactic but if it is used as part of a fully integrated communications campaign it can be hugely beneficial for lots of things from customer feedback through to actual sales. If a client doesn’t like the term blog I ask them to call it news instead. Blogging is a great way for a business to share news and information about themselves and it can bring a new dimension to your brand.
