imageWarning this is a self-promotional post from someone who is pretty happy!

I have just got back to work today after seven beautifully sunny days in Kos with my family and after going through the obligatory work related emails I stumbled across a number of tweets congratulating me on my position in the Brand Republic Top Marketing Blogs.  In case you didn’t know the BR 200 is a list of (it’s description):

“The best advertising, marketing, media, PR and digital blogs from around the world, ranked in terms of traffic and social influence.”

I opened the link to find out that my little-old blog is ranked 27th in the world and I was stunned and overwhelmed. Obviously, there are some truly amazing blogs in this list and I am honoured to be even within the first couple of hundred.

So I would like to thank all of you lovely people for reading, commenting and generally helping me to write this stuff. Now all I have to do is keep it up and be interesting.
