I read an interesting post by Stan Schroeder today stating that European companies and PRs still don’t like Twitter.

In the US Twitter is huge with CEOs and senior directors using it everywhere but it seems us Europeans are still a little more sceptical. However, personally I have noticed a lot more PRs using Twitter recently and I seem to acquire a few new followers everyday. I think the majority of that is down to a usefulcouple of posts from Stephen Davies on hacks and flacks that use the social networking tool.

Loic Le Meur, founder of Seesmic, told Forbes that “if European CEOs think it is a waste of time to Tweet, it is arrogant and a wrong step in their company’s strategy. Twitter is an efficient way to get closer to your clients.”

I agree with this, Twitter is here to stay and although it is very immediate and doesn’t have the SEO benefits that blogging does, it is still hugely useful and in our office we use it as a major news source. It can also be good fun. I mean where else can we speak directly with Stephen Fry, Declan Curry and Jonathan Ross?

If senior directors use Twitter properly they can engage with new audiences and potential customers on a much more personal level.

Do you think it’s worth taking the time out to write a tweet or two everyday?
