If you are like me I am sure you get messages all the time about clever ways to spread your messages out on the World Wide Web. You will also sadly probably receive lots of spammy messages that ask you do this that to get the most out of twitter and the occasional one on Linked-in. However, a good idea for spreading awareness across a social network is “Pay with a tweet” which is basically an idea that you get something free if you tweet about it on your own account. It sounds a bit spammy I grant you but when you consider you are giving something away for something that takes 2 seconds I don’t think it is that bad. image

For instance if you have something new and digital like a cool new iPhone app this is a great way to get people to hear about it quickly and if you are lucky it might get you into the top 25 apps or help you to actually trend on Twitter. At Prohibition we run campaigns all the time where we try to get people talking about an interesting issue or topic and this could be a great way to go about it. At the very least it could be a useful tactic if you are looking to raise your client’s profile on Twitter.

On Friday night, I tested this theory with a famous DJ that you probably remember called Rui Da Silva of Touch me fame, here is the video of that track which is now ten years old surprisingly. Basically, a friend of mine has built their own dedicated application that allows you to do bespoke Pay with a Tweet campaigns rather than using the main service. This means you can obviously tailor your tweets and the various materials you want to share. On this occasion I tweeted about Rui’s free tracks and I was provided with 3-4 free tracks that aren’t available anywhere else. Even better Rui then retweeted my message which was nice as he was actually listening.

This isn’t just for Twitter as users can decide if they want to pay with a tweet on Twitter or with a post on their Facebook wall to tell all their friends about a client, a product or a brand.

So if you need an extra boost for your campaigns, drop me a line and I will point you in the right direction.
