If you are already part of the Wolfstar community, you will know that my colleagues have been road testing the new Skype phones, which seem to have been received quite well. I have to say, they do look the business and as we use Skype regularly at Wolfstar, they have been a real help.

Anyway, we have been contacted by Skype and told about a new  competition where you can get your mucky paws on a free one yourself – all through the world of social media.

The guys over at 3mobilebuzz are running a competition with the winner of this contest getting three 3 Skype phones, second place gets two and third place gets one.

All you need to do to enter is tell 3 why you want to win a 3 Skypephone – the fun bit is that you can do this in any way you want! The only stipulation is that it has to be in a format that can be linked to. 

For example, it could be a blog post, forum thread or simple webpage, a picture or a set on Flickr. Here’s one 3 made earlier. Youtube or facebook could also be your tool of choice.

The more creative the better.

So here are the rules 

  1. The content needs to be original, not ripped off an insignificant YouTuber (they’ll catch you because you have to tag all your videos 3mobilebuzzcomp1!)
  2. The URL of the site which brought the competition to your attention (i.e. this one) needs to be included on the entry email.
  3. The deadline for submissions is midday on Monday 17th December. So get going…

Entries must be sent to the hallowed keeper of prizes, enforcer of rules and judge of all, Jack@3mobilebuzz.com

Good Luck!
