IMG_27012012_162514Facebook has today announced its new edit feature which allows users and page administrators to edit their statuses after they have been posted.

According to the latest research 94% of all Facebook users have actually deleted posts due to typos and poor mistakes in Facebook updates because there was previously no edit function.

The recent launch of Google+ has forced the more established social network to raise its game by releasing a whole new set of features.

I bet you have been reading this and thinking brilliant, thanks Chris that is really useful. Well sorry it’s not true but the question you have to ask yourself is why is it not true? Google+ even has an edit function – see my example up there on the right.

How many times have you posted an update and realised that you have posted something with a typo in it? Probably lots of times if you do a lot of community management for your clients like I do. I know we should be extra vigilant with typos but sometimes they do occur.image

So do you think Facebook should launch a new edit feature? What else should they launch that would make your life a whole lot easier?

If you want to add me on Google+ you can do so here.
