Tag: Facebook


It amazes me that there are clients out there in the big wide world in 2019 that still want to buy Facebook followers. Those working in social media marketing know that followers are nothing but a vanity metric. I go through the motions advising clients this and they nod their heads in agreement, but sometimes they stop me and simply say they have to grow the page anyway.  I can see the predicament and I suppose they do still have a point. The main reason is usually that they want these new Facebook numbers just to show that their brand ... Read more

Facebook announces very cool AI called Jarvis using Morgan Freeman’s Voice

So the big news from Facebook this week is Mark Zuckerberg has actually built Jarvis from the film Iron Man. OK not quite but he is getting there.  I love AI but I am a little wary of what it can become, I have been doing quite a bit with bots to see how effective the technology can be and it is still relatively expensive to build one that works well but it is getting cheaper. I think we need to be careful with technologies that can control things via the Internet. One only has to think of drones and ... Read more

Dear Facebook your customer service for social media agencies sucks!

We all know Facebook is the behemoth of the social media world, our clients have to use it, and now it’s gone pay to play, we all have to spend our budgets to use it to get some kind of decent reach, unless you are in the camp that says it’s time to ignore the platform altogether. So with that in mind you would think that Facebook would have a killer customer service team that would be agile, friendly, adaptable and helpful to get you to spend your money in the correct areas right? WRONG! Firstly, try finding their phone ... Read more

Bodyform Facebook crisis response is true genius

Another week and another brilliant PR stunt – this time it was the Bodyform Facebook page that earlier received a post from a guy called Richard complaining about periods in the following manner: Hi , as a man I must ask why you have lied to us for all these years . As a child I watched your advertisements with interest as to how at this wonderful time of the month that the female gets to enjoy so many things ,I felt a little jealous. I mean bike riding , rollercoasters, dancing, parachuting, why couldn’t I get to enjoy this ... Read more

Facebook users say they will leave due to advertising but they wont

I have read some interesting research taken from Upstream’s 2012 Digital Advertising Attitudes Report on the fact that more than a quarter of British Facebook users will ditch the social network if they are subjected to more intrusive advertising. OK, so there is the main PR headline that they were looking for. In my view people say they will leave the social network but you and I both know that isn’t true. They will complain, they will rant and rave but then they will continue logging in to see what their friends are getting up too. The news release states: ... Read more

Facebook launches invite friends and email contacts to pages

I have just logged into my Facebook pages today and noticed something rather interesting. Facebook seems to have rolled out a new feature that allows you to invite your Facebook friends to your Facebook page. This takes me back a few years when they used to do that with Facebook groups but I beleive they removed it due to the amount of spamming that was happening because of the feature. The inability to invite people to pages is one of the reasons there are so many companies out there using Facebook wrongly and adding friends to a standard Facebook profiles. ... Read more

Facebook launches new edit feature for wrongly written status updates

Facebook has today announced its new edit feature which allows users and page administrators to edit their statuses after they have been posted. According to the latest research 94% of all Facebook users have actually deleted posts due to typos and poor mistakes in Facebook updates because there was previously no edit function. The recent launch of Google+ has forced the more established social network to raise its game by releasing a whole new set of features. I bet you have been reading this and thinking brilliant, thanks Chris that is really useful. Well sorry it’s not true but the ... Read more

Is it squeaky bum time for Foursquare?

So the big news is finally here, Facebook has bought location based game Gowalla. The competitor to Foursquare didn’t quite keep up and more recently tried to reposition itself but now the social media juggernaut that is Facebook has gone and bought it. According to the BBC: In September it refocused its efforts on becoming a travel service, offering “social guides” to 60 cities, including London, Paris and Chicago, based on its members’ postings. At the end of last week CNN reported that Facebook had bought the firm for an undisclosed sum and would move Gowalla’s development team onto its ... Read more

My quick tips to improve a Facebook page in 10 mins for free

If you are like me I imagine you have read quite a few posts before that give the usual advice about writing interesting and engaging content. Well I didn’t want to write something completely about the theory because I am always covering that type of stuff on here. As most of you know I manage a lot of social media communities for companies and brands of all sizes some regional, some national and others on a global basis. One thing I have noticed is that things have changed significantly in social media and online PR over the last 2-3 years. ... Read more

All social networks should set privacy high as a default– it’s time for a change

So the social network juggernaut that is Facebook took another step forward with its face recognition software for photographs this week. Basically the new Tag Suggestions feature scans photos and automatically picks out existing friends by guessing them asking you if you would like to tag them. Now this feature would sound pretty good if you were told about it and asked if you wanted to use it? Sadly, although Facebook is all about being social it still seems to forget how to announce these new features to us. In its defence when the feature was launched in the US ... Read more

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