Month: March 2011

The best PRs on Twitter in Yorkshire – Apparently

I was tweeted this morning by my good friend Adrian Johnson who was recently inspired by the PR Week Power Player list which is based on the original PR Week Social Media Power Players list. The PR Week list has been created by Andrew Bruce Smith and Adrian decided to create his own list of PR power players in Yorkshire and amazingly somehow little old me has come out as the number one. Now I would like to think this is down to my own ingrained natural writing talent and my enigmatic personality but it’s probably luck and the fact ... Read more

Imogen Heap launches an innovative crowd sourced album campaign

I love it when somebody uses social media a little differently, rather than following the sheep and simply setting up the usual channels. I like it even more when someone goes out there and tries to do something a bit creative and different. Step forward musician Imogen Heap, who is well known for a being a big social media advocate. Imogen has created a dedicated microsite for her latest project, which cleverly has a #hashtag as its working title. Here is how she explains it: #heapsong1 is the working title of the first song from my new album. The album ... Read more

The future of Facebook to be confirmed in a video

Here is an interesting concept – everyday we hear more and more about Facebook growing and I read a lot of posts of people asking for new features or making recommendations on how Facebook can change and get better. This has prompted Venessa Miemis to create “The Future of Facebook” project which is basically a campaign to gather enough money together to interview a huge amount of big hitters and ask the big question “What is the future of Facebook?” Let’s hope it’s better than that of Friends Reunited. For the record my view on the future of Facebook is ... Read more

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