Month: February 2011

Media moves from Journos to Chournos but social news is still from journalist sources

The last couple of weeks have been interesting because there have been some fascinating developments in the world of media. One of those new developments was the creation of a new site called Churnalism. The site has been created by The Media Standards Trust to basically identify where copied press release text is being lifted from and used. On Chunalism you can do the following according to the news release (whoops I have pasted it sorry): Compare a press release with more than 3 million articles published by national newspaper websites, the BBC or Sky News since 2008 See the ... Read more

Is the Kenneth Cole tweet the worst ever done by a brand?

My eye was caught by this tweet today and I was flabbergasted anyone could have thought this was a good idea for a brand or a person to send out. I don’t know what they were thinking and I can only suppose the brand wanted to get noticed for a tweet but I think this is one of the worst tasted tweets I have ever seen. If not the worst. If ever there was a case proving you should be careful who manages your social media channels this is it. If you are a large brand or a small company ... Read more

Facebook Places Deals your new mobile loyalty card scheme

Yesterday was a pretty exciting day, not least because it was the football transfer deadline day and we saw the British transfer record broken but also because Facebook announced Facebook Places Deals product in UK and Europe and I think this is going to be a big deal. I think Facebook played catch up following the huge excitement of Foursquare and to a lesser extent Gowilla in 2009/10, as people across the world used their mobiles to check-in to local venues and give their tips and advice on certain places. Foursquare had been around quite a while when Facebook launched ... Read more

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