Month: June 2011

A huge PR opportunity opens as tweets, votes and social media signals are confirmed to boost search rankings

So last week I attended a meeting down in Kent with a very senior SEO expert (who shall remain nameless) but who runs a large digital team. He called me and my colleagues in to discuss the possibility of helping them create some interesting and engaging online campaigns. I am always interested when I meet senior people from the SEO world as they often have a different take on things to us public relations types and I find it kind of refreshing to talk about the more geeky side of digital. I asked him how important he now felt social ... Read more

All social networks should set privacy high as a default– it’s time for a change

So the social network juggernaut that is Facebook took another step forward with its face recognition software for photographs this week. Basically the new Tag Suggestions feature scans photos and automatically picks out existing friends by guessing them asking you if you would like to tag them. Now this feature would sound pretty good if you were told about it and asked if you wanted to use it? Sadly, although Facebook is all about being social it still seems to forget how to announce these new features to us. In its defence when the feature was launched in the US ... Read more

Marketers should not dismiss Facebook Advertising as a waste of money

On Wednesday I attended the Social Network Debate which was held by my good friends Lucre Social  and the topic we had up for discussion this time was “Are social networks are a distraction for marketeers?” There were a lot of senior marketers and PR people in the room from brands like the BBC, Groupon, Intel and Videojug. PR Week was also in attendance and one of the panel members was John Morter who famously took on X-factor mogul Simon Cowell in 2009 with his rage against the machine campaign. I found his insights particularly interesting as he had a very different ... Read more

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