Month: February 2019

Visual listening is a game changer in digital marketing and sponsorship

Social media listening is the process of identifying and assessing what is being said about an individual, product or brand on the Internet, brands, agencies and consultants like myself have been using it since the birth of Radian6 way back in 2006 a whopping 13 years ago. The truth is social media conversations produce unstructured data, and social listening programmes help sieve through this to gain marketers insight into opinions and feedback and it makes it far cheaper than the good old days of brand trackers on the high streets holding clipboards. But the real opportunity for social media listening ... Read more

PR Stunt of the Month – Shutterstock Fyre Festival Video

OK, I will admit it I am a little late to the party on this one but my colleague found this video and shared it with my team and it actually made me laugh, so I thought it was worth sharing on the blog. If you haven’t watched the rather shocking documentary on Netflix about Fyre Festival, where the hell have you been? The documentary gave me both anxiety and a strange sense of relief that we could never do anything as bad as that. I honestly couldn’t believe anyone would dare to act as reckless as the founder of ... Read more

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