Month: July 2011

Oh no please not another Google+ article?

Err yes actually. I have been playing with Google+ as have most of the more techies I know and I have read a few interesting articles. However, if I see another Google+ post telling me how to use it I think I am going to scream. However, if that’s what you are actually looking for I would recommend having a read of this Guide from Mashable one as it is pretty useful at getting you started. The latest news is basically Google+ is growing very quickly as people invite their friends with beta invites and it is growing quicker than ... Read more

Promoting campaigns on twitter why not pay with a tweet?

If you are like me I am sure you get messages all the time about clever ways to spread your messages out on the World Wide Web. You will also sadly probably receive lots of spammy messages that ask you do this that to get the most out of twitter and the occasional one on Linked-in. However, a good idea for spreading awareness across a social network is “Pay with a tweet” which is basically an idea that you get something free if you tweet about it on your own account. It sounds a bit spammy I grant you but ... Read more

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