Redefining ROI in Marketing: A Conversation with Stuart Bruce

Are you ready to unravel the complexities of demonstrating ROI in marketing? Join us in our latest podcast as we venture into an engaging discussion with none other than my old boss and friend PR Futurist Stuart Bruce, founder of Purposeful Relations.

This episode promises to break down the widespread misconception that every marketing effort must yield a calculable return on investment. We’ll unearth the value in setting objectives ahead of time and highlight the significance of precise campaign measurement, challenging the traditional ROI-centric approach.

As we navigate further into the realm of PR measurement, we examine the evolution of media monitoring companies that have matured into AMEC – a comprehensive system for analyzing earned media, social media, advertising, and events. Alongside Stuart, we underscore the pivotal role of asking the right questions and setting SMART objectives. Also, don’t be surprised when we reveal an array of free online tools that can support you in this journey.

Finally, we take you into the fascinating world of AI in PR and marketing. Hear straight from Stuart Bruce himself on how AI tools can amplify your campaign value and the potential game-changing effects of AI on PR measurement.

In this rapidly evolving digital world, understanding and utilising AI is crucial, and so is the ability to accurately measure campaign success. So, buckle up, because this episode will reshape your perception of PR measurement and technology in marketing.

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