Finally a useful Facebook application for bloggers and networkers

Yes you did read the title of this post right. Just when you thought Facebook applications were pretty pointless, a new one has been created which could actually prove to be pretty useful.

Six Apart the creators of several blogging platforms including Typepad has created a new Facebook application which enables users to update their status and blogs all through the Facebook platform.

I have just tested it this morning and it seems pretty useful, you can update any of the following through Facebook:

  1. Facebook Status
  2. Twitter
  3. Pownce
  4. Vox
  5. WordPress
  6. Moveable Type
  7. Blogger
  8. Tumblr
  9. Livejournal

Tech crunch says: “The idea is to allow Facebook users to very quickly share something they like on their blog, without leaving Facebook.”

Tech Digest reports: “Blog It is one of the few applications that takes content created inside Facebook and makes it available for use outside Facebook,” said David Recordon, Open Platforms Tech Lead at Six Apart. “Blog It users are able to update their personal blogs, business blogs, online journals, Facebook status, or Twitter or Pownce activity all from one central environment. This is a concrete step away from the silos and walled gardens of the past and toward the open web of the future.”

I have posted this morning asking whether Facebook can keep its doors firmly closed to all the other social networks. This could be the first of many applications which finally let Facebook users share their information outside of the Facebook platform. Whether that’s a good or bad thing remains to be seen.

Cross posted on: Wolfstar

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