Friendfeed is it just another social networking tool?

Well not a day goes by that we don’t seem to be sent a new social networking tool to test out at Wolfstar and no sooner have we have all started using Doplr and Twitter in our daily lives and along comes another service called Friendfeed.

FriendFeed claims it enables us to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that our friends and family are sharing  giving us a way to discuss interesting information amongst friends.

As with any social networking tool you can invite your friends from your email accounts and your Facebook profile. You can then customise your feedwhich is made up of the content that your friends have shared.

Also if you make your FriendFeed publicly visible (kind of like a blog that writes itself), you can embed your feedin your home page or blog – I might give that a whirl at a later date.

It seems pretty easy to use but as with any social networking tool it needs critical mass to have an impact – I can see this one growing over the next 12 months though – watch this space!!!!!

If you would to speak to us about delivering a social media training programme

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